Because our most important asset is our people, our number-one priority is
providing a safe working environment for our team members.
- Adhering to all OSHA safety codes
- Implementing the newest safety measures
- Using quality equipment that undergoes regular maintenance
- Providing comprehensive training
Stop Work
We follow the OSHA Stop Work Policy, which dictates that if a worker observes an unsafe condition or behavior, they can and must stop work to address the issue. Team members intervene for one another and ensure that everyone experiences the assurance of a safe workplace.
Employees undergo an annual safety training program as well as customized training in planned pre-shift meetings. Safety messaging is always visible via Environmental Health & Safety Boards displayed throughout our plants.
We utilize the 7 Cardinal Rules of Safety as the basis of our safety program, and all employees are trained to know, understand and apply these rules.
We have many preventative measures in place in our workstations, including machine guarding, guard-rail systems and confined spaces and enclosures.
Safety Beliefs
We work under the belief that “0 is possible.” A goal of zero workplace incidents can and should be a reality for our team.
We provide an anonymous online reporting system to empower employees to share any unsafe work conditions or behaviors.
Veritas Steel understands that a safe working environment lowers project
risks, keeping our employees safe and creating a more productive and
effective workspace.